Explore our diverse combinations of cat furniture, wall perches, catwalks, as well as scratching and climbing poles. With these elements, you have the opportunity to create a veritable climbing oasis for your cat. Your imagination knows no bounds - design a custom scratching wall that offers your cat endless climbing fun.
With our diverse range of wall perches, catwalks, scratching mats, as well as scratching and climbing poles, you have the opportunity to create complete scratching landscapes for your beloved four-legged friend. Let your creativity run wild and provide your cat with unrestricted scratching and climbing fun. Our scratching mats not only serve the purpose of claw care but can also be attached to walls that have already suffered from your cat's explorations. Alternatively, with our window sill pads, we offer your pet a cozy spot by the window, from which they can observe the world and bask in the warming sun.
When creating the optimal setup, consider the following aspects for your cat's well-being:
- Generously sized climbing poles that allow for extensive climbing and scratching.
- High-positioned wall perches that enable both observation and relaxation at lofty heights.
- Elongated catwalks that invite your cat to strolls at dizzying heights.
- Built-in steps or resting levels that ensure safe ascending and descending.
- Scratching mats for claw maintenance.
Explore our range of products and create an ideal environment for your cat, where they can indulge in their natural instincts and feel completely at ease.
Für eine optimal katzenfreundliche Ausgestaltung der Kletterlandschaft beachten Sie bitte die folgenden Empfehlungen:
Integrieren Sie lange Kletterstämme, die ausgiebiges Klettern ermöglichen, und Kratzsäulen, die zum Krallenwetzen einladen.
Bieten Sie erhöhte Liegeflächen an, die als ideale Beobachtungs- und Entspannungsplätze dienen.
Schaffen Sie lange Catwalks in luftiger Höhe, auf denen Ihre Katze nach Herzenslust spazieren kann.
Integrieren Sie Treppenstufen oder Liegeflächen, um einen sicheren Auf- und Abstieg zu gewährleisten.